After Satya Nadella took over Microsoft last year, Microsoft suddenly seems to become close to a bigger group of developers and professionals elsewhere. 
Over the years, Microsoft has been known for paid services for Windows OS and many other developer tools and IDE including its highly successful Visual Studio with C# that runs many of the world's big websites and Winform apps on desktops.

Though the biggest search keywords are names of Heroines or heros or an event, however one of the biggest searches are from professionals on code.

Hence, Bing search engine has brought HackerRank to help developers view the code sinppets directly in the search query results. Thats a big shift from the traditional way of search engine working. Give it a try.

Note: This article has first been published on Techcrunch.com and then on thenextweb.com. The content is created by me. Only the news information lead is picked from there. Even then if there is any issue with this article, please mail me at y.eshwarprasad@gmail.com and i will pull this off the blog.

Scope is an important aspect in programming. This scope concept is quite different and challenging in JavaScript. This is more in case of variables because of the variable hosting concept.

Keyword - 'var' makes variables available at global if its not bound inside a function and when inside a function, it is available as a scope variable all throughout that function.

On the other hand, 'let' keyword restricts the variable similar to how the scope of variables in with C# or Java. This brings in the most needed advantage and functionality that has been making developers get nightmares for because of variable hoisting.

We recently had a requirement where were required to update an array inside the document. Array is a filed inside my document apart from few simple datatypes.

Here is the current document structure

I want to add a JSON to this ARRAY field as shown below.

Once added, the document looks like this

This is how we do it in the code. There are many ways apart from this yet, I found this more readable and more easy to use.

In the last 2 days, I have tried installing multiple Android Emulators out there on the internet. I will now start writing the review on those one after the other.
I would like to start this with Andy emulator, the one that had tortured me and literally harrasd me.

The biggest downsides of Andy are:

  1. It took away a huge piece of disk space. It took 4.5 GB space.
  2. Leave about eating away space, the biggest disadvantage is that it did not give me an option during setup to change the location of the installation. It by default installed everything in C drive. What the Heck! is this.
  3. It took close to an hour to install on a machine that runs on i5 Intel, with 4 processors and an internet speed on 8GB. BS! a real BS.
  4. I did not show what all are its dependencies. Half way through, it started asking me permissions to install Java Virtual Box softwares of multiple types. One more BS. This made me stick to my seat staring at my monitor.

I felt like i will puke (vomit) on my laptop screen before it finishes. Thanks to my mom, she gave me a needed break with a wonderful coffee. 

I have an index in Elasticsearch that has bank details. What if I want to query this index (database) to find all the account holders whose age is equal to 40 and who does address lane does not have the word 'lane' in it?

here is the query. I get the count
Hi friends,
Here is the 3rd video in the series for learning Node.js and building a REST API. In this video, i give you a brief introduction to package.json file.

package.json file is the place where it holds few important information about our nodejs application. It holds the information like the dependencies, the dev-dependencies etc. So, if you install express, then the version of the express that you installed is mentioned here as a dependency.
Watch this 11 min video. As promised, i will make sure that i dont cross 15 min of time in video length. So that each video can separately answer you a concept.