Post json is empty in nodejs when used with postman

Using postman app for chrome, i was trying to post to my node js application listening to port 3001.
however, all the body of the data is sent as empty.
Because of this, the only data that is getting saved in mongodb using the mongoose connection was as below:

    "_id": "542e4ea1480f9abc13239976",
    "__v": 0

The issue with the code was that the body parser was placed at the end after the mongo connection was created and just above the app.listen(3001) line

When i changed the code to the top of the file just after the line

var app = express();
it worked for me.

now my complete code looks like this

var express = require('express');
mongoose = require('mongoose');
fs = require('fs');

var app = express();

app.configure(function () {
    app.use(express.logger('dev'));     /* 'default', 'short', 'tiny', 'dev' */

var mongoUri =  'mongodb://localhost/MyTestDatabase';

var db = mongoose.connection;

throw new Error('unable to connect to db');


//moved from here to the yellow highlighted section

console.log('Listening on port 3002...');

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